
Call Us
We look forward to working with you, please call to make an appointment or to just have a chat! Calling the shop will provide the most prompt service.
Call 941-220-3629
Visit Us
JB Auto Works
609 Colonia Lane East
Nokomis, Florida 34275
Hours/Company Information
Email/Message Us
If you would like to reach us after hours we can be reached any time on facebook, google messenger, or by email for your convenience!
E-mail: Jim [at]
Click Here To Message Us On Facebook.
Request an Appointment
Click Here To Request An Appointment.. Fill out this form with the required information.
After Hours Drop
If your vehicle is to be towed in or dropped off after hours, park in the front parking lot and use the secured key drop to the left of the first bay door. Please feel free to have your vehicle brought in even if you were not able to reach us prior. Details can be worked out the following business day.
Our towing referral is Venice Wrecker Service: 941-488-6555.